Friday, April 1, 2011

Ball Theft

This morning my friend KT got carried away having her tummy scratched.

She was so blissed out that she paid no attention to her two coveted blue balls. Her big sister Cassie took advantage of this fact to abandon her four tennis balls and enjoy a scritch of her own with those tasty stolen balls in mouth.

It doesn't get better than that. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swami Sniffananda

People are always asking me where I come by all my wisdom and fundamental canine cool. Well the fact is I get a lot of it from hanging out with my guru Swami Sniffananda. The dude is always tripping on the fragrances of the inner planes, not to mention dead skunks on Petaluma Hill Road. Some day I hope to be as cool as him if and when I ever achieve full dog realization.